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Next Steps of Charleston was founded by Ed Dyckman approximately a decade ago as a Christian ministry, drawing inspiration from the success of an organization of the same name in the DC area. It aims to measure success by its ability to help individuals progress toward their next steps in life. As it grew, it established chapters on Johns Island and East Cooper, leading to the formation of Next Steps of South Carolina (NSSC), which also incorporated Hot Dog Ministries, a feeding ministry in Downtown Charleston. St. Johannes has steadfastly supported both organizations for over seven years.

Initially, the Charleston chapter of NSSC operated from St. Matthews Church before moving to the Navigation Center on Meeting Street. Despite a modest relationship prior to COVID, the Johns Island and East Cooper chapters eventually dissolved. Post-COVID, NSSC faced volunteer shortages, prompting a relocation to St. John's Chapel (Anglican) in the East Side neighborhood of Charleston on 18 Hanover Street, where they now collaborate independently with the Navigation Center, located at the same address. Run by Marie Elena Roland, the Navigation Center serves as a hub for seventeen charities. Despite its efforts, contractual limitations sometimes necessitate the involvement of churches like St. Johannes to provide assistance.

NSSC grants considerable support to the Navigation Center, especially in aiding individuals with disabilities. It supplements these efforts by assisting those the Navigation Center cannot accommodate, fostering a symbiotic relationship focused on helping those in need. For the calendar year of 2024, as of May 14, NSSC has aided 59 individuals or families, with approximately 20 receiving assistance from St. Johannes.

Next Steps aims to support individuals willing to help themselves, following the principle of offering a "hand up, not a handout." It addresses immediate needs such as utilities, rent, and medical expenses, offering guidance on financial management and negotiating overdue bills. Personalized counseling, often concluding with prayers, reflects the organization's holistic approach. St. Johannes actively promotes its congregation to recipients, inviting them to worship services.

In summary, Next Steps of South Carolina, the Navigation Center, St. Johannes Lutheran Church, and numerous local nonprofits are significantly improving lives in the Downtown area and beyond.