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Yolanda, a kind-hearted woman, encountered a string of unfortunate events that disrupted her life. Falling ill forced her to take leave from her job at a downtown restaurant, and the departure of her roommate left her struggling to cover rent. Tragically, the passing of her brother in New Jersey added emotional and financial strain, as Yolanda stepped in to cover the expenses of his burial.

Finding herself $2400 behind in rent and with unpaid energy bills, Yolanda reached out for help. In partnership with Next Steps, St. Johannes Lutheran Church also contributed to making a crucial payment towards Yolanda's energy bill so her power would not get cut off.

Moreover, Next Steps facilitated negotiations with utility providers, securing an extension on her energy bill until August upon partial payment. Through the joint efforts of Next Steps and St. Johannes Lutheran Church, Yolanda received the support she needed to stabilize her situation.

This collaboration exemplifies the power of community organizations working together to provide practical assistance to those facing hardship. Thanks to the support of St. Johannes Lutheran Church and Next Steps, Yolanda can focus on moving forward with renewed hope and stability.